Week at a Glance for Enero 18 - 22
Hola Familia de Saint Therese!!!
I would like to congratulate all students for a successful week of virtual learning.
There will be a few changes for this week on the meet schedules and meet codes.
As always please reach out if you need extra time with an assignment or if you need to have an extra meet. wl@stthereseroxbury.org
No school: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
12:30 Sixth Grade (meet code: CORNISH)
1:00 Fifth Grade (meet code: favufive)
12:30 Seventh Grade (meet code GARGIN)
1:10 Second Grade (meet code stsgrade2)
1:40 Third Grade (join Spanish meet generated on my Google Classroom - Spanish)
Students Grades 1 - 4 brought material and folders home, just in case I will post the worksheet in Google classroom as well.
First Grade: no school
Second Grade: Classroom objects practice and finish new vocabulary. Practice worksheet - A Fitting Design -
Third Grade: Classroom objects. Students will label Mi Mochila Roja. Scavenger Hunt
Fourth Grade: no school.
Fifth Grade: Subject Pronouns, Mis amigos project on Google Classroom.
Sixth Grade: Adjetivos Descriptivos slide show project: Mi Familia and Gender and Number agreement.
Seventh Grade: Verbo gustar + infinitives. Finish activity package of negatives.
Eight Grade: no school.